News: Helping Thanet Thrive

News: Helping Thanet Thrive

Helping Thanet Thrive

Exciting news! Thanet District Council (TDC), as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, has awarded funding to Funding for All through their Community Champions Programme. This means more targeted fundraising skill training and resources for charities and voluntary, community, social enterprise and faith (VCSEF) organisations in the district.



We are thrilled to be working alongside TDC and key partners, Kent Coast Volunteering, Social Enterprise Kent, Stronger Kent Communities and Thanet Youth Network, to deliver a free programme of support that will strengthen and build capacity within Thanet’s voluntary sector. Our offer brings a wealth of funding and fundraising expertise that will empower charities and VCSEF groups to be sustainable, long-term.

Support is available now through our mentoring programme and our upcoming training events, both in-person and online.



Work one-to-one with a Fundraising Mentor to receive bespoke, targeted skill development training on:

  • improving your applications to enhance your success rate
  • exploring new options to diversify your funding sources for better resilience
  • two or more fundraising skills consecutively, as required, to further support your resilience and better prepare you for fundraising success


Mentoring takes place virtually via video call, email and/or phone call at a time that is mutually convenient for both mentee and mentor.

To find out more about our mentoring and to make an enquiry, click here


Funding Advice Day

1 October 2024, 10am-5pm at Crampton Tower Museum in Broadstairs

Book a 45-minute one-to-one with our Fundraising Advisor and get your questions answered. Our advisors are the perfect sounding board to discuss your organisation’s long-term plans for sustainability and funding. They can suggest new funds to approach, offer ideas on how to build a strategy or how diverse funding sources, and signpost to our mentoring or Community Champion Programme partners who may also be able to support you in other areas.


Funding Conferences

14 November 2024, 10am-3pm at St Mark’s Church Hall in Ramsgate

12 February 2025, 10am-3pm in Margate (Venue TBC)

Two in-person conferences specifically curated for groups in the Thanet district. Each conference will offer:

  • targeted training on the key funding and fundraising skills needed to build fundraising capacity
  • opportunities for groups to:
    • meet with and hear from different funders about their current funding opportunities and priorities
    • meet one-to-one with Funding for All Fundraising Advisors to receive detailed advice on their funding needs and signposting for support
    • network with other charities and VCSEF organisations in the Thanet district
    • explore partnership bids with peers
    • meet with and hear from TDC about the support they offer to the Thanet voluntary sector
    • meet with and hear from the other key partners in the Community Champions Programme


Online Training Day

13 March 2025, 10am-5pm via Zoom

Online training day focusing on increasing skills in bid writing, and knowing how to include core costs in bids, through the full cost recovery method. As well as targeted training presentations and a panel discussion, there will also be breakout rooms where your group can:

  • discuss specific issues you’re currently facing with bids you are preparing
  • meet other like-minded groups and discuss the potential for partnership work
  • receive focused support on:
    • outcomes and outputs
    • gathering evidence of need
    • evaluating and measuring impact


For more information on Thanet District Council’s Community Champion Programme, click here.


Thanet Community Champion Awards

Do you know a Thanet Community Champion who makes our community a better place to live, work, and thrive? Are they an unsung hero who deserves recognition?

TDC and Social Enterprise Kent have launched the Thanet Community Champions Awards which will celebrate the incredible work of local individuals and organisations dedicated to improving life in Thanet. Nominations are open until Tuesday 31 December 2024, and the awards will culminate in a special event on Wednesday 12 March 2025. The event will also include networking opportunities for members of the VCSE sector, allowing them to build relationships, share best practice, and foster collaboration for an even greater community impact. Click here for more information.

Find funds:

Up to: £10000
Deadline: Tuesday 17 December 2024
Up to: £50000
Deadline: Tuesday 5 November 2024
Up to: £1000
Deadline: Ongoing

Find out how we can support you

Funding for All provides free, expert fundraising support to all voluntary sector organisations (VCSEs) across the UK county of Kent and Medway.

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