Funding for All provides free, expert mentoring to build skills, confidence and resilience for all voluntary sector groups throughout the UK unitary authority district of Medway and the 12 local authority districts of Kent.
Whether you are a new organisation taking your first steps into fundraising, or you want to take your organisation’s income generation to the next level, we can guide you every step of the way.
We have supported 1000 organisations
Across Kent & Medway through our mentorship scheme

How we can support you
Successful fundraising will enable your organisation to make a meaningful impact on your cause, and to thrive and survive in challenging times.
It is a skilled specialism that requires expertise, resources, and capacity, but when you’re a small organisation, perhaps run by volunteers, the required skills may not always be available to you.
This is where we can help! We understand the limitations that small organisations face. Our free mentoring programme provides personal development opportunities and resources for your employees or volunteers who are tasked with fundraising to upskill and expand their confidence in:
Getting started
Covers developing a fundraising strategy, gathering evidence of need, understanding what funder jargon is asking for and finding funds
Securing donors
Covers fundraising through social media, developing community fundraising, engaging corporate support, and using crowdfunding
Trusts & Grants
Covers creating a budget for grant or trust applications and preparing better grant and trust applications
Other considerations…
Covers diversifying income generation, claiming gift aid, and measuring and evaluating your impact
Make a donation
If you’d like to support Funding for All’s work, please consider making a donation. Find out how your donation can make a difference.
Over £7 million secured in funding
How it works
Our mentoring programme is tailor-made to the specific funding and fundraising needs of each group.
It provides one-to-one, no nonsense practical guidance designed to grow fundraising confidence. Each of our mentors has their own fundraising specialism(s), as well as a wealth of knowledge and experience gained through years of fundraising in the charitable and voluntary sector. Many of our mentors began as volunteers, and some have even been through our mentoring programme.
Here’s how the process works:
Get in touch
Complete the enquiry form and we’ll be in touch to gather more information about your organisation to see how we can help.
We’ll then call you so that our Charity Manager can delve a little deeper into the support you need. You’ll then be assigned a mentor that is suited to your fundraising goals. From here you’ll work together to fulfil your objectives and build your fundraising capacity.
Mentor sessions
Mentoring takes place virtually via video meetings, phone calls and emails. There is no set time frame for the mentoring; we are able to flex our support to meet the needs of your fundraising objectives, and mentor you at times that fit in for you.
"Recap & Review"
As your allocated mentoring hours come to an end, your mentor will arrange a “Recap & Review” meeting to discuss how the process has gone, to determine whether your agreed goals have been achieved and agree what your next steps might be.
"advice from people who really know what they are on about"
Alex, Keep Talking Services

To receive our support, you don’t need any fundraising experience. We just ask that your organisation meets the following eligibility criteria:
We are funded to support charities and voluntary sector organisations benefitting the UK county of Kent and Medway. If the majority of your work takes place outside this area then, unfortunately, you will not be eligible to receive our support.
Your group must be formally constituted with a governing document, such as a constitution or Memorandum and Articles of Association, in place. Some examples of formally constituted organisations are shown below. You must have a bank account registered in your group’s name.
- community and amateur sports club (CASC)
- charity registered with the Charity Commission
- charitable incorporated organisation (CIO)
- community interest company (limited by guarantee)
- company limited by guarantee with not-for-profit making Articles of Association
- social enterprise
- voluntary constituted group
- parish or town council
- uniform groups e.g. Girlguiding or Scouts
We are unable to support private companies, individuals, local authorities, Community Interest Companies Limited by Shares, and unconstituted voluntary sector organisations or community groups.
See our Useful Links to find support and advice on choosing an organisational structure and on how to become formally constituted as a charitable organisation.
For more details, please contact us.
Ready to boost your fundraising confidence and take your organisation to the next level?
Together, we can make it happen…
Have some questions first? Get in touch or book a one-to-one at our next Monthly Funding Surgery to find out more.