Fund: The Mrs Smith & Mount Trust – The Mount Fund

Fund: The Mrs Smith & Mount Trust – The Mount Fund

Organisation: The Mrs Smith & Mount Trust
Up to: £25000
Deadline: Ongoing

The Mrs Smith & Mount Trust makes grants up to £25,000 to UK registered charities whose beneficiaries are in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, Kent, Surrey and London. 

The Trust aims to assist disadvantaged people towards greater independence or a better quality of life. Their current priorities are:


Mental Health

The Trustees support registered charities delivering therapeutic family support programmes and children’s mental health needs. Applications for funding for counselling services will only be supported where such services are either free or very low cost (details should be provided).



The Trustees support registered charities delivering advice, therapy and counselling services to individuals and families who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless.


Community Youth Services

The Trustees support registered charities delivering advice, therapy and counselling services to children and young people aged 24* and under. The service should be free to users and aimed primarily at children or young people experiencing inequalities and social exclusion, who may have experience of trauma and disadvantage such as family breakdown, bereavement, loss and separation, relationship difficulties or domestic violence. It could also be extended to children or young people affected by serious youth violence as well as associated experience of socioeconomic disadvantage, poverty or discrimination.


Refugee and Asylum Seekers

The Trustees support registered charities delivering advice, therapy and counselling services to individuals and families who are refugees and asylum seekers.

Grants are given for projects; general running costs/core funding; salaries; advice services; furnishings/equipment; organisational development.


Deadline: Ongoing. The Trustees meet three times per year in March, July and November and application forms and supporting documentation must be submitted at least six weeks in advance of a meeting or by the date specified.


This fund is not managed by Funding for All. Please click ‘Funder’s website’ above and contact the funder directly for more information.

Over £7 million secured in funding

By Kent & Medway organisations, with 
the help of Funding for All mentorship.
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