Fund: Historic England – Repair Grants for Heritage at Risk

Fund: Historic England – Repair Grants for Heritage at Risk

Organisation: Historic England
Up to: £1000000
Deadline: Ongoing

Historic England’s Repair Grants for Heritage at Risk awards grants towards the urgent repair and conservation of listed buildings, scheduled monuments and registered parks and gardens. This includes project development actions which enable repair or improved future management. The outcome of every project should be the protection of the significance of the site or to enable such protection to happen.

Grants under this scheme are intended to reduce the risk faced by some of the most significant historic sites in England, as shown on the Heritage at Risk Register. Funds are focused on those sites which are most in need of repair and where, without a grant, a project would not be able to go ahead.

No minimum or maximum grant size is specified.


Deadline: Ongoing


This fund is not managed by Funding for All. Please click ‘Funder’s website’ above and contact the funder directly for more information.

Over £7 million secured in funding

By Kent & Medway organisations, with 
the help of Funding for All mentorship.
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