Fund: Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust – Investing in Rehabilitation

Fund: Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust – Investing in Rehabilitation

Organisation: Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust
Up to: £60000
Deadline: Ongoing

The Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust’s Investing in Rehabilitation programme makes grants one-off grants of up to £30,000 or multiyear grants up to £20,000 per annum up to three years, however no more than 50% of the applicant’s annual turnover can be applied for.

Charities, CICs, social enterprises or other properly constituted not-for-profit organisations that support the rehabilitation of offenders and help reduce the collateral consequences of their imprisonment for their families; with the overall aim of reducing reoffending and making the communities of Kent safer are eligible to apply.

This programme will fund local organisations working in Kent and national charities currently offering, or planning to offer their services in the county. Collaborative/partnership working is particularly welcome, but consortium applications must be submitted by a ‘lead’ organisation.

The programme will fund a wide range of work including, but not exclusively:

  • mentoring services – including peer mentors
  • pre-and post release support in areas such as gaining employment or accommodation
  • schemes for developing self-awareness and personal growth including through the arts, sport or work with animals
  • family engagement – helping prisoners to stay in touch with their children and families
  • restorative justice and schemes that allow offenders to ‘give something back’
  • community outreach for those at risk of offending
  • challenging stereotypes – programmes that counter the negative perceptions of ex-offenders as a homogeneous group
  • move-on and half-way house provision


Extra priority will be given to groups that:

  • clearly explain the focus of their work and define its intended outcomes
  • demonstrate a commitment to service user involvement
  • demonstrate collaborative/partnership working


Deadline: Ongoing

This fund is not managed by Funding for All. Please click ‘Funder’s website’ above and contact the funder directly for more information.

Over £7 million secured in funding

By Kent & Medway organisations, with 
the help of Funding for All mentorship.
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