Fund: Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust – Investing in Families

Fund: Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust – Investing in Families

Organisation: Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust
Up to: £60000
Deadline: Ongoing

The Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust’s Investing in Families programme awards grants to charitable organisations working to support the most vulnerable and disadvantaged families in Kent, thereby improving people’s life chances and promoting social cohesion. 

It will support organisations offering interventions to meet the needs of families with a wide-range of problems, including debt; drug and alcohol abuse; mental health issues; domestic abuse; caring for a sick or disabled family member and the short and long-term impacts of bereavement.

The Trust is particularly keen to hear from organisations that take a ‘whole family’ approach and those that work to tackle the underlying root causes of the problems that families face. Priority will be given to organisations that involve their client group in the delivery of their services, as all too often families say that they feel completely incidental to the decisions that are made about them.

Extra priority will be given to groups that:

  • work in a particularly disadvantaged or deprived area
  • have limited access to other sources of income
  • clearly define the need they are addressing
  • demonstrate a commitment to service user involvement
  • can demonstrate partnership working
  • offer matched funding opportunities


Organisations can apply for either:

  • a one-off grant of up to £30,000
  • a grant of between £5,000 and £15,000 per annum, for a maximum of three years


Deadline: Ongoing

This fund is not managed by Funding for All. Please click ‘Funder’s website’ above and contact the funder directly for more information.

Over £7 million secured in funding

By Kent & Medway organisations, with 
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