Fund: Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust – Investing in Communities

Fund: Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust – Investing in Communities

Organisation: Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust
Up to: £15000
Deadline: Ongoing

The Colyer-Fergusson Charitable Trust’s Investing in Communities programme makes grants to small, community-led organisations and local charities in Kent to strengthen their resilience and build their capacity to deliver sustainable, face-to-face services to people at the margins of society.

The Trust offers three complementary strands of funding:



The Trust aims to help ‘stabilise’ grassroots groups/community organisations by supporting their core costs; giving them the stability to focus on delivering services and building sustainability. Grants of between £500 and a maximum of £15,000 are available over one to three years. Grants are available for core costs including, but not exclusive to:

  • staffing related to core activities e.g. central administration, management, finance
  • costs related to becoming a Living Wage Employer
  • marketing
  • recruitment
  • volunteer costs
  • travel and subsistence
  • utilities and telecommunications
  • rent and building costs
  • insurance

Please note, newly established organisations, unable provide at least two years of published financial records, can only apply for grants of up to £2,500 per annum (£7,500 maximum award), or a one off grant for a maximum of £4,000.



Providing one-off grants to help develop and strengthen local, grassroots organisations. The Trust aims to help organisations extend their reach and impact by offering grants to help them explore new ways of working.

One-off grants of between £500 and £15,000 are available for costs including, but not exclusive to:

  • consultancy support
  • investigating mergers
  • partnerships and shared services related to core activities
  • investigation and development (not delivery) of new contracts, income diversification or enterprise
  • staff training and development
  • working towards relevant quality standards
  • capital items where there is evidence of ultimate cost savings
  • implementing new IT systems, including monitoring system

Please note, Extending grants are only available to organisations that can provide at least two years of published financial records.


Providing one-off grants for the costs associated with delivering small projects or resources for socially excluded groups. One-off grants of up to £5,000 are available to cover costs including but not exclusive to:

  • project related staffing
  • additional space rent/hire
  • project equipment/resources


Please note – Delivering grants are only available to organisations that can provide at least one year published financial records.

Extra priority will be given to applicants that:

  • work in a particularly disadvantaged or deprived area
  • have limited access to other sources of income
  • clearly define the need they are addressing
  • clearly demonstrate the benefit of their activities to local people
  • demonstrate a commitment to service user involvement
  • illustrate how they aim to deliver social outcomes
  • can demonstrate partnership working


Applicants can only apply for one fund in the same year. The ‘Stabilising’ and ‘Extending’ Funds are for core/development costs only. The ‘Delivering’ Fund is for small, one-off project costs and community resources.


Deadline: Ongoing

This fund is not managed by Funding for All. Please click ‘Funder’s website’ above and contact the funder directly for more information.

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