Fund: CLA Charitable Trust

Fund: CLA Charitable Trust

Organisation: CLA Charitable Trust
Up to: £5000
Deadline: Ongoing

The CLA Charitable Trust awards grants up to £5,000 to small and medium sized charities and not for profit organisations such as CICs that access the benefits of the countryside to pursue the health and wellbeing of people and to provide opportunities for education about the countryside in England and Wales. The Trust prioritises organisations working with children and young people and those disadvantaged financially, physically, mentally, or from areas of deprivation.

Examples of eligible activities engaging young people and communities in these areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Farms providing day or residential experiences for disabled or disadvantaged young people.
  • Growing projects including horticultural therapy and community projects supporting people through outdoor activities and gardening.
  • Forest school type activities giving people the opportunity to utilise their outdoor spaces for the benefit of their mental and physical wellbeing.
  • Conservation and environmental projects giving people the chance to learn about the natural environment and how to care for it.

The Trust does not support:

  • Uniformed groups such as Guides, Scouts, Cadets etc
  • Animal parks, zoos, wildlife parks, tourist attractions
  • Arts organisations, projects and activities
  • Housing associations
  • Mainstream schools, including PTAs and similar funds
  • Grants for individuals
  • Sports, including water sports
  • Outdoor adventure / outward bound type activities
  • Equestrian activities
Applications can be for running costs, project works and capital works.
Deadline: Ongoing (expression of interest first then if successful, organisations will be invited to make a full application)
This fund is not managed by Funding for All. Please click ‘Funder’s website’ above and contact the funder directly for more information.

Over £7 million secured in funding

By Kent & Medway organisations, with 
the help of Funding for All mentorship.
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